Understanding the difference between your ‘why’, ‘what’ and ‘how’ in business is not always straightforward. But it is also the key to creating a powerful brand that resonates with your customers.

Unleashing The Why

Our Unleashing The Why workshop is focussed on enabling you to build internal alignment and belief for your company or project’s goals and ambitions.

Through the LEGO® Serious Play® methodology and exercises using The Golden Circle model, we inject energy, perspective and purpose back into your team, project or organisation that can resonate clearly and effectively into your internal or external communications.

What happens in the workshop

With a tried and tested design, Unleashing The Why delivers both a memorable collective experience and real-world business benefits too.

To Mark and David from Nordic Workshop Collective: THANK YOU for helping us unlock our creativity. Your expertise made our day not only insightful but potentially transformative for our business 🙌
— Cresto Safety AB

Potential exercises: 

  • The Why: build the ‘why’ for your organisation. What do you believe in? What change is your organisation or project setting out to make?

  • The External View: take an objective view of your organisation from the outside. How well are you communicating your Why to your customers?

  • The How & What: construct what your organisation does and how you do it. Have you captured all of your services or offers to customers?

  • The Gap: Explore the gap between the Why, the What, and the customer view. What challenges or opportunities exist for your marketing and communications messaging?

The outcomes

  • An indepth exploration of why you do what you do - your beliefs and how they impact your brand.

  • A full, visual picture of the connections between this Why and the What - what you actually do.

  • An exploration and refinement of the key words and values that underpin your communications and messaging.

  • Fun, inspiration and an event that ensures that everyone has a voice and the chance to be heard.

  • Create new and purposeful energy for the time ahead